Kansas City Roofing
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Cedar Shake Roofing

Cedar shake roofs have been one of the oldest and most popular roofing choices for homes for in the Kansas City area for many years. Cedar shakes have been used for centuries.
A cedar shake is a basic wooden shingle made from split logs. Higher-grade shakes are typically used for roofing purposes.
Cedar Shake roofs provide a more refined classic appearance, which is well suited to a wide range of architectural styles.
When installed Cedar shake roofs are very elegant. Providing a more irregular, rustic appearance, which makes for a sophisticated and charming roofing option.
Cedar Roofing Gallery
Cedar Shake Roofing Manufacturers we Install in KC
Silver Creek stocks a full selection of authentic Western Red Cedar Shakes and Shingles for your roofing and sidewall projects. Silver Creek manufactures Hand-Split and Re-Sawn Shakes in either Premium or #1 Grades and can offer sizes ranging from ½” to 2 ¼” thickness at the butt by 18” or 24” lengths.
Silver Creek also produce Taper-Sawn Shakes (sawn on both faces) from 5/8” to 1” plus thickness at the butt by 18” or 24” lengths. Silver Creek Shingles are available in 16”, 18” and 24” lengths in a Premium Grade.
Ridge Cap and Starter Shingles are available to accompany your order. All cedar Shakes and Shingles can be treated with CCA or Fire suppression chemical to suit your needs or local building code requirements.
Watkins Sawmills has grown from a modest beginning to one of the largest manufacturers of Western Red Cedar Roofing and Siding in North America. Our approach to business has been to grow the cedar roofing and siding industry through product innovation and improvements in manufacturing.
Our philosophy and commitment to providing exceptional service and education ensures you, our customers, possess the right tools and know-how to grow in your unique housing markets. At Watkins, we strive to make our strengths - your strengths.
Watkins Sawmills Ltd. has been developed to serve as a one stop shop for all your cedar roofing and siding needs. Combining our facilities and expanding our business model to include all aspects of cedar roofing and siding manufacturing has allowed us to save our customers both time and money without sacrificing personal and professional service.
Dow’s Eastern White Shingles & Shakes manufactures the highest quality shingles and shakes that are available in the world today. The quality control that the Dow mill has is the highest in the industry. Each shingle is handled and inspected twice, before manually being put into the bundle.
Dow's Cedar shingles are a long lasting natural solution to your roofing and siding needs. They add sales appeal and value to your residential and commercial buildings and other projects. Dow's Cedar shingles are sawn from Northern Maine White Cedar, and are sawn square the first time; no need for re-squared and re-butted. Dow's can custom saw our Cedar Shakes to any length up to 24" at almost any thickness desired.